Delivering the Master Plan

January 2025

The Circulation Works REF was publicly exhibited from 2 December 2024 until 20 January 2025. The purpose of the exhibition was to provide the community with the opportunity to provide feedback on the REF which would then enable Council to consider any possible adjustments to the included elements. The Public Exhibition of the REF was advertised online via Your Say Hornsby, eNews, and the community were invited to provide feedback via an online submission form, in writing or via email.

There were 5 submissions received in response to the exhibition. One submission was very brief “Endorsed. A very well written REF, reads well easily.”. The other submissions provided a mixture of views; including concerns, suggestions and recommendations on various topics.

Read the Community Engagement Report (PDF 488KB)

December 2024

We have prepared a Review of Environmental Factors (REF) to complete Circulation Works at Hornsby Park. These Circulation Works will connect the rehabilitation and Stage 1 embellishment works through the completion of the Quarry Loop around the rim of the Quarry. This will enable visitors to safely experience the former quarry.

The Hornsby Park Embellishment – Circulation Works REF assesses possible impacts the project will have on the environment and details steps to be carried out to avoid, minimise, or mitigate those impacts.

We welcome your feedback on the Hornsby Park Embellishment – Circulation Works REF. Comments close 5pm on Monday, 20 January 2025.

Have your say

November 2024

Powerful Owl

Construction work at Hornsby Quarry has been carefully planned and delivered to incorporate the needs of local Powerful Owls. The construction team, Council ecologists and Birdlife Australia are working diligently to ensure daily activities at the site are conducted with the utmost consideration for these magnificent birds. Ongoing monitoring of the owls is also undertaken to ensure a safe and suitable environment is maintained for the owls through the construction phase. Council is committed to preserving the habitat as part of the Vegetation Management Plan and Habitat Creation and Enhancement Plan that is being implemented on site. Combined, these plans, and the proactive measures being implemented will protect and support this important species.

19 August 2024

As part of the Stage 1 embellishment works for Hornsby Park, we will be upgrading an existing bush track to become a shared pedestrian / mountain bike connection from Rosemead Road (see 2 and 4a on the map).

An elevated boardwalk (4b) will complete the link to the Western Lookout. Another track (3) will provide a pedestrian link to the North-Western Lookout. Refer to the Stage 1 Embellishment REF for more detail.

The existing fire trail (1) will be used as the access path to deliver material to the works and there will be machinery moving up and down that fire trail from time to time. Our contractors will be working to keep the trail open for walkers and for emergency access. Care should be taken when walking through this area while the works are underway, which will take approximately one month overall (weather permitting).

3 July 2024

Work has commenced on the utilities at the western end of Quarry Road, as part of the development of the former quarry site.

When the works reach the junction of Quarry Road, Dural Street and Frederick Street within the next couple of weeks, a part of Dural Street will be need to be closed and traffic detours and management will be in place. Property access will be maintained at all times.

31 May 2024

We have prepared a Review of Environmental Factors (REF) under Part 5 of the EP&A Act, to undertake additional drainage works to the north-east of the Hornsby Quarry void to ensure that stormwater is safely conveyed through the site.

The REF was on public exhibition between 31 May and 30 June 2024. No submissions were received.

Read the document.

2 August 2023

As part of Local Government Week, we celebrated by showcasing a few of our team members from across Council.

Meet Project Manager, Trevor Carlyle-Hoggan

29 June 2023

Review of Environmental Factors (REF) Community Engagement Report

Following adoption of the Hornsby Park Master Plan in July 2021, Hornsby Shire Council resolved on 8 March 2023 to undertake Stage 1 Embellishment Works for Hornsby Park. It has been determined that the Stage 1 works can be approved under Part 5 of the New South Wales Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act).

This report summarises feedback and provides responses to submissions received by Hornsby Shire Council during the exhibition of the Hornsby Park Master Plan Stage 1 Review of Environmental Factors (REF).

The REF was publicly exhibited from 27 April until 25 May 2023. The purpose of the exhibition was to provide the community with the opportunity to provide feedback on the REF which would then enable Council to consider any possible adjustments to the Stage 1 elements. The Public Exhibition of the REF was advertised online via Your Say Hornsby, in the local print newspapers, eNews, and the community were invited to provide feedback via an online submission form, in writing or via email.

There were 17 submissions received in response to the exhibition. Seven of these expressed support for the proposal, two were opposed and eight submissions contained mixed views, suggestions or recommendations. Note: two submissions received from the same person on the same day have been combined as one submission.

Read the report

9 March 2023

$27.9 Million First Stage for Hornsby Park Unveiled

At its general meeting on Wednesday 8 March, Hornsby Shire Council took significant steps forward in the delivery of its major project at Hornsby Park. Councillors determined to progress Hornsby Park by delivering an impressive canopy skywalk and cable bridge through the trees in 2024.

As per the Master Plan adopted in July 2021, Hornsby Park will become a major recreation destination which will be delivered in stages. Following extensive groundworks at the site, Council has responded to our community’s desire to be able to visit and enjoy the site as soon as possible by committing to deliver the first stage of the project.

The almost $28 million attractions will feature an impressive 400m canopy skywalk and cable bridge linking Hornsby Town Centre with the site of the old Crusher Plant on a fully accessible pathway immersing visitors into the bush. In this stage, Council will also begin developing the area around the Crusher Plant with a lookout, a lawn and play area, car park and toilet facilities. Plans also include additional bushwalking tracks and trails leading to two more lookouts to the west and north-west of the site. The first works are targeted to be open to the public in 2024.

“We are pleased that the first stage of this important project will be available next year for the community to enjoy. We have been working hard behind the scenes to make the site safe and preparing it for future uses. While the project as a whole will develop over time, we are excited that this new skywalk will give people to the opportunity to experience this unique destination of outstanding natural beauty and see this huge project taking shape,” said Hornsby Shire Mayor Philip Ruddock. “Delivering the project within a financially responsible framework is critical and we have worked with staff to ensure that we have safeguards in place to minimise any risk”.

Read the media release

December 2022

During 2022, earthworks, drainage and road works continued to progress in and around the quarry site but unfortunately, there were 304 days of delay added to the project timeline due to wet weather, Covid related and other global supply interruptions, site conditions and changes in scope. See the Civil Works Updates for more details.

As a result, construction of the park infrastructure that will deliver the Master Plan is unlikely to commence until 2025.

We understand the community are very keen to start enjoying the site. Therefore, given the construction delays and taking into account feedback we received about Hornsby Park during the Special Rate Variation engagement, Councillors are exploring options for providing access to the site as early as possible.

In parallel, commercial opportunities are being identified to help fund some elements of the project, during both the build and operating stages.

There will be more detail on these in the coming months.

The Vision

A dramatic transformation is taking place at the old Hornsby Quarry.

In the raised floor of the quarry void, a water body is expected to be created, fed by groundwater and rainfall. From the water’s edge, the landform will rise up, broadly forming an amphitheatre, with graded entry from the western and northern sides. Within the eastern face of the quarried walls, the geological formation of a volcanic diatreme will be preserved. Extensive rehabilitation of the surrounding bushland will be undertaken to create a bushland backdrop for the amphitheatre.

Once the earthworks are completed, subject to future design and approvals, varied settings including landscape regeneration, community, cultural and recreation opportunities will be provided in Old Mans Valley, around the old Crusher Plant and in the former fill profile area in south-west corner of the site.

By completion, the old quarry will form a dramatic centrepiece to the new park.

Old Mans Valley will continue to host the popular Hornsby Mountain Bike Trail as well as provide opportunities for a sportsground and bushwalking trails. There will be plenty of room to run and kick a ball in the large open space provided.

Images (clockwise): sportsgrounds; mountain biking; bushwalking; play ground.

The centerpiece of Hornsby Park will be a large amphitheatre that gently slopes down to a lake and wetlands in the quarry void. An interesting geological formation of a volcanic diatreme will be preserved in the eastern quarry cliff faces. There is potential for water based activities as well as outdoor movies and performances.

The steep northern embankment will be regraded and rehabilitated with native vegetation. Walking trails, lookouts and rest areas will be incorporated into this area.

Images (clockwise): zipline; Parklands within the Quarry Void; water-based activities; diatreme.

The buildings of the old Crusher Plant can potentially be converted to house cafes, a cultural center or art exhibition space. Small level areas will be created around the existing buildings for complementary outdoor activities.

Images (clockwise): Casula Powerhouse Museum; Indoor climbing; Children play area; Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre; Brisbane Powerhouse; Centennial Park Cafe.

The recreation area in the south-west corner of the site will range from gently undulating open spaces to steep bushland embankments, ideal for camping, bushwalking and other outdoor activities.

Images (clockwise): camping; toboggan runs; high ropes; access stairs; bushwalking.

One of the key design decisions for the park is the provision of a continuous accessible pedestrian route from the Hornsby Town Centre to the Quarry Void, despite the challenges of a drop of over 130m. This creates a pedestrian spine throughout the park, from where the majority of features and activities are able to be easily accessed.  Ensuring the pedestrian spine is accessible and that visitors are able to use it to move around the park has been a focus during the detailed design process since the Master Plan.

Images (clockwise): sky walk; lift to sky walk; sky walk viewing area; sky walk rest area.