“Plan Your Parkland” Feedback
A big thanks goes out to everybody who took part in the engagement campaign for Hornsby Park to “Plan Your Parkland”. The first phase of the long-term engagement was very successful, with lots of great ideas coming in from across the Shire and beyond, guiding early phases of the project.
Here is an overview of the “Plan Your Parkland” engagement and an indication of how things will keep moving towards the transformation of Hornsby Park by 2023.
![HornsbyParkActivities Most popular suggestions for Hornsby Park](https://hornsbypark.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/HornsbyParkActivities.jpg)
Most survey respondents indicated their aspirations for the Quarry area to allow visitors to view and experience the natural environment in the form of walking trails, boardwalks and viewing platforms.
Popular suggestions
- Walking trails with accessbile trails for wheelchairs
- Boardwalks and viewing platforms
- Picnic facilities
- Environmental preservation, promotion and enhancement, particularly the diatreme wall
- Swimming and/or water recreation facilities
Suggestions raised in written and email submissions:
- Accessible trails for wheelchairs
- Educational facilities about diatreme wall
- Utilising quarry water for swimming and other water-based activities
- Natural amphitheatre
“Longer, interconnected trails moving through the former quarry area would cater to walkers of all levels and experience.”
“There needs to be linkages for wildlife corridors and also established bike/walking tracks.”
“This is what unstructured recreation is all about: the freedom to circulate in nature by whatever non-motorised means one chooses. I urge Hornsby Council to make this park a hub for unstructured recreation.”
“This is a wonderful opportunity for Hornsby to become an ecotourist destination providing a combination of natural wild life, entertainment and healthy lifestyle in a bush setting that is safe for all ages and ecologically sound.”
“The east face [of the diatreme] is probably the finest example in the country”
“The water could be used for water activities such as water polo, canoe polo and pontoons would facilitate a stage for theatre, open air concerts such as Opera in the Quarry.”
Walking trails and mountain bike trails were survey respondents’ preferred options for Old Mans Valley. Extending the trails and ensuring this area was conducive to both mountain bikers and bushwalkers was of high importance to many who completed the survey.
Popular suggestions
- Walking trails and mountain bike trails
- Environmental preservation, promotion and enhancement
- Sports fields
- Adventure recreation facilities
- Picnic areas
Suggestions raised in written and email submissions
- Educational facilities about Blue Gum forest and other native flora and fauna
- Bush walking trails
- Gardens and tranquil spaces
“Extending the trails would ensure this area was conducive to both mountain bikers and bushwalkers.”
“Mountain Bikers want to do the right thing and stick to legal trails. Making it easy to do so provides the opportunity for residents and visitors of all ages to enjoy a very popular sport safely and with the best interests of the environment in mind.”
“Create a “Sensory” pathway, suitable for wheelchair access, and the less able in the community, a safe environment so that the feel of the bush, the odour of the eucalyptus and flowers, may be appreciated by those less able to venture off on their own”
“Perhaps there could be a Heritage Walk with plaques like the ones at Brooklyn, the plaques can explain the history of the area also Ginger Meggs was part of that area where he and his mates often use to go”
The most popular survey response of any question was the opportunity to provide a café in the old Crusher Plant. As well as a café, respondents also thought the site was appropriate for the inclusion of arts/ cultural/historic/community facilities and adventure recreation facilities.
Popular suggestions
- Café/restaurant
- Information centre
- Arts/cultural/community facilities
- Adventure recreation facilities
Suggestions raised in written and email submissions
- Multi-use function centre and community spaces
- Educational centre about site’s significance
“This area would be the ideal location for a multi-use space that could be used by business, community and educational groups”
“Our community is diverse. Let’s harness this and create a space where we can hold multicultural festivals, concerts, theatre, food trucks, art shows etc.”
“There is great potential for paid guided walks with volunteers, and other educational opportunities based on the geology and cultural history. The old crashing plant buildings could become an education centre”
“I’d like to suggest a cafe with an adjacent children’s park/play area – parents can use the cafe while the children use the play area.”
“An adventure playground, swimming area and cultural facilities would be such a great addition as it would give my whole family even more things to do
in the area!.”
As well as the survey, submissions were accepted via email and post. Below are some of the ideas received.
A full report will now be produced, examining this first phase of public consultation in the “Plan Your Parkland” project. The Consultation Outcomes Report will collate and analyse the data from the various submissions, allowing Hornsby Shire Council’s planning team to create a community-inspired vision for the new Hornsby Park. The report will be made public around the middle of the year.
Stay tuned because there will be many more opportunities to have a say on the development of Hornsby Park between now and its anticipated opening in 2023. This first consultation has featured very broad brushstrokes, simply designed to point our planners in the correct direction, and we will want to hear from you again as we get down to the details.
This is going to be the park that you built.